

Essays and videos on philosophy, the history of ideas, ethics and life’s big questions
Black and white photo of a man with glasses and a beard, resting his chin on his hand, wearing a suit.



Background music was the radical invention of a trailblazing composer

16 minutes

A photo of a person walking on a snowy path beside an icy river with floating ice chunks.


Thinkers and theories

The winter of civilisation

Byung-Chul Han’s relentless critiques of digital capitalism reveal how this suffocating system creates hollowed-out lives

Josh Cohen

A man speaking on stage with a headset microphone wearing glasses and a black sweater gesturing expressively with his hands.



What do past, present and future mean to a philosopher of time?

54 minutes

Photo of a study with a wooden desk, red curtains, bust sculptures and a leather chair in a well-lit room.


Psychiatry and psychotherapy

The art in the analyst’s room

The consulting office reflects the personality of the therapist, while also subtly shaping the experience of their patients

Anna Parker

Photo of a large crowd celebrating outdoors with a person waving a South African flag energetically in the foreground.


Political philosophy

A right to exist?

Since states are founded on violence and expulsion, their existence is always bound up in thorny questions about justice

Andrew F March

Photo of fishermen in a circle on a lake using large nets at sunrise with a distant island and hills in the background.


Human evolution

The commitment to collaborate

Though natural selection favours self-interest, humans are extraordinarily good at cooperating with one another. Why?

Saira Khan

Photo of a person sitting in a dimly lit church with stained glass windows and sun rays filtering through.



Through rituals of prayer, a monk cultivates a quietly radical concept of freedom

4 minutes

Photo of a modern bathroom with circular tiled walls and surfaces, two sinks, mirrors and red hand dryers reflected in the mirrors.



Beyond causality

In order to bridge the yawning gulf between the humanities and the sciences we must turn to an unexpected field: mathematics

Gordon Gillespie

Black-and-white photo of two women preening a toddler who is sitting on a wall and sucking dummy, with a brick house and a washing line in the background.


Thinkers and theories

So many unmarried men

For Mary Midgley, the Western philosophical tradition is shaped by the fact that its greatest practitioners were bachelors

Ellie Robson

Vintage film poster with illustrated women underwater surrounded by bubbles text reads “Primitive and Exciting”.


Public health

A very American fear

Moral panics about erotica have coursed through the country’s history. Why do so many Americans think of porn as harm?

Rebecca L Davis

Surreal abstract painting with eyes, lips and leaf shapes in soft colours on paper.



Radical doodles – how ‘exquisite corpse’ games embodied the Surrealist movement

15 minutes

Medieval painting of a man in a cosmic circle with zodiac symbols surrounded by blue and red patterns.


History of science

The birth of naturalism

The modern era is often seen as the triumph of science over supernaturalism. But what really happened is far more interesting

Peter Harrison

Illustration of a purple star with an eye and shield with padlock on blue background encircled by laurel and gold rings.



Plato saw little value in privacy. How do his ideas hold up in the information age?

5 minutes

Painting of a serene night scene with a full moon reflecting on a dark blue lake surrounded by silhouettes of rocks and trees.


Stories and literature

The listening gift

It is the dark matter of conversation, the white space around a poem. For Rilke, listening is receiving the divine

Faith Lawrence

A man standing on a balcony of a brick apartment building, with tarps and debris in foreground.


Politics and government

The end of neoliberalism?

The case of Mexico shows that, despite a proliferating discourse that it is over, neoliberalism is as relentless as ever

Inés Escobar González

Two silhouetted figures examining a wall-sized, illuminated display of the periodic table.



Chemical laws

Often dismissed as the poor cousin of the sciences, chemistry has revealed natural laws that illuminate our Universe

Vanessa A Seifert

Abstract painting of two distorted faces with geometric shapes in orange, purple and brown tones.


Psychiatry and psychotherapy

Psychodynamic nonsense

After decades of practising psychotherapy, I believe it has little foundation in science and often causes harm

Niklas Serning

Photo of a giraffe seen through an arched doorway with brick and blue tiled walls in a zoo environment.


Animals and humans

Are zoos and natural history museums born of a desire to understand, or to control?

57 minutes

Two weathered, clay duck sculptures facing each other against a grey background.



The truth about fiction

What distinguishes fiction from nonfiction? The answer to this perennial question relies on how we understand reality itself

Hannah H Kim

Photograph of two silhouetted figures on a sunlit path surrounded by dark geometric shadows and structures.



The penumbral plunge

Diving into the ring of darkness beyond things easily answerable, asking ‘Why?’ questions is what make humans awesome

Eric Schwitzgebel

Illustration of a hand dropping a coin into another hand within an eye-shaped frame on a textured background.


Virtues and vices

Why Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith were divided on the virtues of vanity

5 minutes

A masked nurse in scrubs sitting in a hospital waiting area.



Moral resilience

Nurses experience deep suffering when they can’t act according to their moral compass. Our research shows a way forward

Cynda Hylton Rushton

Painting of a bustling 17th-century market square with people, horses and a church, surrounded by historic buildings and boats on a waterway.


Global history

There are no pure cultures

All of our religions, stories, languages and norms were muddled and mixed through mobility and exchange throughout history

Inanna Hamati-Ataya

Painting of a stormy sea with two sailing ships in distress and people struggling on the rocky shore.


Beauty and aesthetics

In art, the sublime is a feedback loop, evolving with whatever’s next to threaten us

9 minutes