Amid the rise of at-home and handheld-device streaming, closed captions are having a moment. But, as the US-born, Berlin-based artist Christine Sun Kim explores in the short film [Closer Captions], the descriptions they offer are rarely up to snuff, especially for Deaf people like her who rely on them. A playful dive into a form of communication that many rarely give a second thought to, in this short Kim explains why we shouldn’t settle for ‘[music]’ when we could have ‘[mournful violin music that sounds like crying alone in an empty bar]’. She then presents a short film in which she uses captions to draw out poetry from life’s small moments, describing, for instance, a shower as ‘the sound of shampoo scent floating among the fog’. The result is both a sharp commentary on the technology and an evocative glimpse into Kim’s unique perspective on sound, words and life.
Information and communication
‘Astonished and somewhat terrified’ – Victorians’ reactions to the phonograph
36 minutes
From simple motors to levitating trains – how design shapes innovation
23 minutes
How an artist transformed a dilapidated hunting lodge into a house made of dreams
8 minutes
Animals and humans
Are zoos and natural history museums born of a desire to understand, or to control?
57 minutes
What’s an ancient Greek brick doing in a Sumerian city? An archeological investigation
16 minutes
Family life
The migrants missing in Mexico, and the mothers who won’t stop searching for them
21 minutes
Virtues and vices
Why Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith were divided on the virtues of vanity
5 minutes
Ecology and environmental sciences
The tree frog die-off that sparked a global mystery – and revealed a dark truth
15 minutes
Beauty and aesthetics
In art, the sublime is a feedback loop, evolving with whatever’s next to threaten us
9 minutes