
Stephen Cave

Senior Research Fellow, University of Cambridge

Stephen Cave is executive director and senior research fellow of the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge. A philosopher by training, he has also served as a British diplomat, and written widely on philosophical and scientific subjects, including for The New York Times, The Atlantic, Guardian and others.

Written by Stephen Cave

Vintage photo of a man in formal attire seated with eyes closed and pen in hand, audience in blurred background.


Cognition and intelligence

Intelligence: a history

Intelligence has always been used as fig-leaf to justify domination and destruction. No wonder we fear super-smart robots

Stephen Cave

People in colourful costumes and tall hats walking on a forest path, likely participating in a traditional festival.


Ecology and environmental sciences

It’s not easy being green

If rational persuasion fails to make people behave environmentally, could rituals and a dash of guilt do a better job?

Stephen Cave & Sarah Darwin

A person holding a Greek flag in front of red brick buildings with fire escapes. The image is candid and urban.


Political philosophy

Democracies fail when they ask too little of their citizens

Stephen Cave

Two marshmallows on a white background, one slightly off-white and the other light pink, both appearing soft and fluffy.


Cognition and intelligence

The free-will scale

Like IQ or EQ, there should be FQ: a freedom quotient to show how much free will we have – and how to get more

Stephen Cave

A pig roasting over an open flame with three metal rods visible on the left side.



Once and future sins

In 2115, when our descendants look back at our society, what will they condemn as our greatest moral failing?

Stephen Cave & Stefan Klein

Black and white photo of James Dean with his hand on a young boy’s shoulder in a snowy cemetery beside a gravestone with ‘CAL DEAN’ engraved.



Everlasting glory

There are few fantasies so absurd as the idea of living on through fame. So why does immortality still beckon?

Stephen Cave

Close-up of a housefly with large red eyes translucent wings and a metallic blue-green body on a white background.



Not nothing

The death of a fly is utterly insignificant – or it’s a catastrophe. How much should we worry about what we squash?

Stephen Cave

A person’s feet encased in a clear ice block against a light background, the ice showing detail and texture.



Frozen dead guys

Is cryonics an ambulance into the future or the latest twist on our ancient fantasy of rebirth?

Stephen Cave

A polar bear resting on snow with its paws forward gazing at the camera. Its fur appears slightly dirty or wet.



Who killed Knut?

The death of a beloved polar bear casts the logic of zoos in a cold light. Are they safe havens or places of sacrifice?

Stephen Cave

A large crowd holding roses, with a young girl sitting on someone’s shoulders raising a rose, expressions of solemnity and reflection.


Human rights and justice

Remember Herostratus

The ruling that Anders Breivik is sane leaves his ideas unchallenged. We need a new verdict for crimes of vainglory

Stephen Cave