Is seeking an explanation for life’s deepest mysteries a worthy pursuit? Many scientists and theologians would say yes. Zen Buddhists practising in China from the 9th to 13th centuries CE, however, believed that it was important to embrace uncertainty instead of always seeking answers. For these monks, achieving enlightenment meant resisting the urge to know the seemingly unknowable. To foster this way of thinking, they meditated on paradoxical riddles called kōans to raise doubts about the very meaning of knowing and, through this, find deeper truths about existence. This playful animation from TED-Ed provides a brief history of kōans, and offers two rich examples from the roughly 1,700 kōans written to illustrate the key role of ambiguity on the path to enlightenment.
Through rituals of prayer, a monk cultivates a quietly radical concept of freedom
4 minutes
Radical doodles – how ‘exquisite corpse’ games embodied the Surrealist movement
15 minutes
Plato saw little value in privacy. How do his ideas hold up in the information age?
5 minutes
Animals and humans
Are zoos and natural history museums born of a desire to understand, or to control?
57 minutes
Virtues and vices
Why Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith were divided on the virtues of vanity
5 minutes
Beauty and aesthetics
In art, the sublime is a feedback loop, evolving with whatever’s next to threaten us
9 minutes
What a 1970 experiment reveals about the possibility and perils of ‘head transplants’
6 minutes
Beauty and aesthetics
Can you see music in this painting? How synaesthesia fuelled Kandinsky’s art
10 minutes
Why it takes more than a lifetime to truly understand a single meadow
11 minutes